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In 2024, we will be reading this plan together. It is a 2-year, through the Bible plan prepared by Stephen Witmer. Following this plan might be a great way to order your Bible reading and keep many of us in the church reading the same passages each day.

We will publish the daily readings here, on the church app, and in the bulletin each week, along with some reflections and thoughts about the sermon each weekend. You can track along on the app or website, where a song is included each day! We look forward to this journey through the Bible together as a church family in 2024-2025.

Archives for February 2024

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Daily Worship - Thursday, 2/29/2024

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READ Leviticus 5:15-6:7 Psalm 60 PRAY Take some time to commune with the Lord in prayer using part ofThe Lord's Prayeras a model. "FOR YOURS IS THE KINGDOM, AND THE POWER, AND THE GLORY FOREVER, AMEN."-AcknowledgeGod's sovereign reign over all things and thank him for his everlasting love and goodness. SING Goodness of God - CeCe Winans ...

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Daily Worship - Wednesday, 2/28/2024

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READ Leviticus 4:1-5:13 Psalm 59 PRAY Take some time to commune with the Lord in prayer using part ofThe Lord's Prayeras a model. "ANDLEAD US NOT INTOTEMPTATION,BUTDELIVER US FROMEVIL."-SeekGod's guidance in every aspect of your life. Ask him to guard you against the temptations of Satan, the flesh, and the world. SING We Look to You - Sovereign Grace ...

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Daily Worship - Tuesday, 2/27/2024

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READ Leviticus 3 Psalm 58 PRAY Take some time to commune with the Lord in prayer using part ofThe Lord's Prayeras a model. "AND FORGIVE US OUR DEBTS,AS WE ALSO HAVE FORGIVEN OUR DEBTORS."-Repentof your sins and thank God for hisforgivenessin Christ. Ask God for a heart of forgiveness toward others. SING My Life is an Offering - Sovereign Grace ...

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Daily Worship - Monday, 2/26/2024

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READ Leviticus 1-2 Psalm 57 PRAY Take some time to commune with the Lord in prayer using part ofThe Lord's Prayeras a model. "GIVE USTHIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD," -PetitionGod with your practical needs and the needs of others. SING Holy, Holy, Holy (We Bow Before Thee) - Traditional Hymn (Shane Shane) ...

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Daily Worship - Sunday, 2/25/2024

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READ Psalm 56 SUNDAY SERMON The sermon on Sunday, February 25th, is on John 1:43-51 (we will finish chapter 1!!!). Lord willing, we will focus in on the roots of Nathanael's faith, and Jesus' promise to him that he "will see greater things than these." PRAY Take some time to commune with the Lord in prayer using parts ofThe Lord's Prayeras a model. "YOUR KINGDOM COM...

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Daily Worship - Saturday, 2/24/2024

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READ Psalm 55 WEEKEND REFLECTION This has been a great week of readings in God's Word. We finished the book of Exodus on Friday, and the Psalms we have covered have been so good. Psalm 51 is a Psalm of repentance. The backstory to this Psalm is recorded in 2 Samuel 11-12. David had grievously sinned. And his sin gnawed away at his heart until he was confronted by Natha...

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Daily Worship - Friday, 2/23/2024

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READ Exodus 40 Psalm 54 PRAY Take some time to commune with the Lord in prayer using part ofThe Lord's Prayeras a model. "OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN"-Rejoiceinthat you can speak directly to your heavenly Father.Thankhim for your salvationand for adopting you into his family. SING Take My Life And Let it Be - Traditional Hymn (Norton Hall Band) ...

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Daily Worship - Thursday, 2/22/2024

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READ Exodus 39 Psalm 53 PRAY Take some time to commune with the Lord in prayer using part ofThe Lord's Prayeras a model. "FOR YOURS IS THE KINGDOM, AND THE POWER, AND THE GLORY FOREVER, AMEN."-AcknowledgeGod's sovereign reign over all things and thank him for his everlasting love and goodness. SING Build My Life - Pat Barrett ...

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Daily Worship - Wednesday, 2/21/2024

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READ Exodus 37-38 Psalm 52 PRAY Take some time to commune with the Lord in prayer using part ofThe Lord's Prayeras a model. "ANDLEAD US NOT INTOTEMPTATION,BUTDELIVER US FROMEVIL."-SeekGod's guidance in every aspect of your life. Ask him to guard you against the temptations of Satan, the flesh, and the world. SING Before the Throne of God Above - Sovereign Grace ...

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Daily Worship - Tuesday, 2/20/2024

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READ Exodus 35-36 Psalm 51 PRAY Take some time to commune with the Lord in prayer using part ofThe Lord's Prayeras a model. "AND FORGIVE US OUR DEBTS,AS WE ALSO HAVE FORGIVEN OUR DEBTORS."-Repentof your sins and thank God for hisforgivenessin Christ. Ask God for a heart of forgiveness toward others. SING Psalm 51 (Wisdom in the Secret Heart) - Shane Shane ...

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Daily Worship - Monday, 2/19/2024

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READ Exodus 34 Psalm 50 PRAY Take some time to commune with the Lord in prayer using part ofThe Lord's Prayeras a model. "GIVE USTHIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD," -PetitionGod with your practical needs and the needs of others. SING Come Praise And Glorify - Sovereign Grace ...

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Daily Worship - Sunday, 2/18/2024

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READ Exodus 32-33 Psalm 49 SUNDAY SERMON On Sunday, February 18, Pastor Thomas Slawson is planning to preach from John 1:35-42, which records Jesus calling his first disciples. Consider what it was that the disciples saw in Christ that compelled them to follow him. What is it that compels you? PRAY Take some time to commune with the Lord in prayer using parts ofThe ...

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Daily Worship - Saturday, 2/17/2024

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READ Exodus 30-31 Psalm 48 WEEKEND REFLECTION It would be good to spend some time reflecting on the readings this week, especially from Exodus. How does what we see in Exodus relate to Jesus Christ? For example, in Exodus 25, God gave instructions for how to make the Ark of the Covenant. This was to be placed in the Holy of Holies the most holy room in the Tabernacle....

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Daily Worship - Friday, 2/16/2024

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READ Exodus 28-29 Psalm 47 PRAY Take some time to commune with the Lord in prayer using part ofThe Lord's Prayeras a model. "OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN"-Rejoiceinthat you can speak directly to your heavenly Father.Thankhim for your salvationand for adopting you into his family. SING Psalm 47 - Mercy Worship ...

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Daily Worship - Thursday, 2/15/2024

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READ Exodus 26-27 Psalm 46 PRAY Take some time to commune with the Lord in prayer using part ofThe Lord's Prayeras a model. "FOR YOURS IS THE KINGDOM, AND THE POWER, AND THE GLORY FOREVER, AMEN."-AcknowledgeGod's sovereign reign over all things and thank him for his everlasting love and goodness. SING Psalm 46 (Lord of Hosts) - Shane Shane ...

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Daily Worship - Wednesday, 2/14/2024

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READ Exodus 24:12-25:40 Psalm 45 PRAY Take some time to commune with the Lord in prayer using part ofThe Lord's Prayeras a model. "ANDLEAD US NOT INTOTEMPTATION,BUTDELIVER US FROMEVIL."-SeekGod's guidance in every aspect of your life. Ask him to guard you against the temptations of Satan, the flesh, and the world. SING Thank You Jesus For The Blood - Charity Gayle ...

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Daily Worship - Tuesday, 2/13/2024

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READ Exodus 24:1-11 Psalm 44 PRAY Take some time to commune with the Lord in prayer using part ofThe Lord's Prayeras a model. "AND FORGIVE US OUR DEBTS,AS WE ALSO HAVE FORGIVEN OUR DEBTORS."-Repentof your sins and thank God for hisforgivenessin Christ. Ask God for a heart of forgiveness toward others. SING Be Still My Soul - Traditional Hymn (Norton Hall Band) ...

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Daily Worship - Monday, 2/12/2024

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READ Exodus 21-23 Psalm 43 PRAY Take some time to commune with the Lord in prayer using part ofThe Lord's Prayeras a model. "GIVE USTHIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD," -PetitionGod with your practical needs and the needs of others. SING Bless The Lord, O My Soul (Psalm 103) - Sovereign Grace ...

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Daily Worship - Sunday, 2/11/2024

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READ Exodus 19-20 Psalm 42 SUNDAY SERMON The sermon for Sunday, February 11 will focus on John 1:29-34. Consider the significance of John the Baptist calling Jesus "the Lamb of God." PRAY Take some time to commune with the Lord in prayer using parts ofThe Lord's Prayeras a model. "YOUR KINGDOM COME,YOUR WILL BE DONE,ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN." -AskGod to accomplis...

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Daily Worship - Saturday, 2/10/2024

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READ Exodus 17:8-18:27 Psalm 41 WEEKEND REFLECTION In God's sweet providence our readings this week are very much on theme with the sermon this coming Sunday. So perhaps, to prepare you hearts for what we will see in the Gospel of John, read Exodus 12 again on Saturday evening. Answer the following reflection questions: How does the story of the Passover demonstrate b...

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Daily Worship - Friday, 2/9/2024

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READ Yesterday's Daily Worship mistakenly gave Exodus 1 as the first reading. The correct reading should have been Exodus 15:1-21. The readings below for today are correct. Exodus 15:22-17:7 Psalm 40 PRAY Take some time to commune with the Lord in prayer using part ofThe Lord's Prayeras a model. "OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN" -Rejoicein that you can speak directly to your heav...

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Daily Worship - Thursday, 2/8/2024

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READ Exodus 15:1-21 Psalm 39 PRAY Take some time to commune with the Lord in prayer using part ofThe Lord's Prayeras a model. "FOR YOURS IS THE KINGDOM, AND THE POWER, AND THE GLORY FOREVER, AMEN."-AcknowledgeGod's sovereign reign over all things and thank him for his everlasting love and goodness. SING My Hope is Built on Nothing Less (The Solid Rock) ...

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Daily Worship - Wednesday, 2/7/2024

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READ Exodus 12:31-14:31 Psalm 38 PRAY Take some time to commune with the Lord in prayer using part ofThe Lord's Prayeras a model. "ANDLEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION,BUTDELIVER US FROMEVIL."-SeekGod's guidance in every aspect of your life. Ask him to guard you against the temptations of Satan, the flesh, and the world. SING Lift High The Name of Jesus - Keith and Kristy...

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Daily Worship - Tuesday, 2/6/2024

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READ Exodus 12:1-30 Psalm 37 PRAY Take some time to commune with the Lord in prayer using part ofThe Lord's Prayeras a model. "AND FORGIVE US OUR DEBTS,AS WE ALSO HAVE FORGIVEN OUR DEBTORS." -Repentof your sins and thank God for his forgiveness in Christ. Ask God for a heart of forgiveness toward others. SING Come Behold The Wondrous Mystery - Matt Boswell Matt Pap...

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Daily Worship - Monday, 2/5/2024

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READ Exodus 10-11 Psalm 36 PRAY Take some time to commune with the Lord in prayer using part ofThe Lord's Prayeras a model. "GIVE USTHIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD," -PetitionGod with your practical needs and the needs of others. SING Behold Him - Paul Baloche ...

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Daily Worship - Sunday, 2/4/2024

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READ Exodus 6:28-9:35 Psalm 35 SUNDAY SERMON The sermon for Sunday, February 4 will be on John 1:19-28. It is the fullest introduction to the ministry of John the Baptist (though he is not called the Baptist in the gospel of John). His calling was "to make straight the way of the Lord." In these verses, we will see some amazing things about Jesus! PRAY Take some tim...

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Daily Worship - Saturday, 2/3/2024

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READ Exodus 5:1-6:27 Psalm 34 WEEKEND REFLECTION I'd like to draw your attention to one verse that we read this week, at the end of Genesis. Genesis 50:20 says, "As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today." Joseph said this to his brothers regarding their horrible actions ...

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Daily Worship - Friday, 2/2/2024

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READ Exodus 3-4 Psalm 33 PRAY Take some time to commune with the Lord in prayer using parts ofThe Lord's Prayeras a model. "OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN" -Rejoicein that you can speak directly to your heavenly Father.Thankhim for your salvation and for adopting you into his family. SING Grace Upon Grace - Sandra McCracken ...

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Daily Worship - Thursday, 2/1/2024

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READ Exodus 1-2 Psalm 32 PRAY Take some time to commune with the Lord in prayer usingThe Lord's Prayer as a model. "OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN" -Rejoice in that you can speak directly to your heavenly Father. Thank him for your salvation "HALLOWED BE YOUR NAME" -Praise and adore God for his greatness and power. Meditate upon his holiness. "YOUR KINGDOM COME,YOUR WILL BE DONE...

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