At Faith we are committed to the expository preaching of God's word. We invite you join us on Sunday mornings for our gathered worship. Our latest sermon series as well as previous messages are available here on our website and through our app, or you can subscribe to our sermon podcasts on iTunes and Spotify.
Back to Sermon ArchiveJuly 3, 2022
Isaiah 66 - God, Religion, and Reality
Preacher: Dana Olson Series: Revealed Scripture: Isaiah 66:1–24
June 26, 2022
Isaiah 65 - Contrasts and Confidence
Preacher: Dana Olson Series: Revealed Scripture: Isaiah 65:1–25
June 19, 2022
Isaiah 63:15 - 64:12 Our Father, the Potter
Preacher: Dana Olson Series: Revealed Scripture: Isaiah 63:15– 64:12
June 12, 2022
Isaiah 63:1-14 - Steadfast but not Squishy
Preacher: Dana Olson Series: Revealed Scripture: Isaiah 63:1–14