JOIN US for worship SUNDAYS at 8:30AM & 11:00AM

Daily Worship - Sunday, 1/28/2024

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Genesis 47-48

Psalm 28



The sermon for Sunday, January 28 will be on John 1:14-18. The passage is about the incarnate Word of God, and the way that he reveals God to us.



Take some time to commune with the Lord in prayer. Here's a helpful pattern to follow (ACTS):

  • ADORATION - Praise God for all that he is and all that he had done.
  • CONFESSION - Confess your sins to God and trust in the finish work of Christ. Thank him for his forgiveness.
  • THANKSGIVING - Thank God for all the many blessings and graces he has shown you.
  • SUPPLICATION - Ask your heavenly Father to supply your needs.



1. In what ways do we see God’s glory in Christ?
2. What is grace? What does the phrase, “grace upon grace” mean?
3. Why does John compare Jesus with Moses (v.7)? In what sense did “grace and truth come through Jesus?
4. To whom does “the only God, who is at the Father’s side” refer? What does this tell us about Jesus?
5. How do we apply the truths we see in this passage?



Emmanuel (Glory in the Highest) - Sovereign Grace