JOIN US for worship SUNDAYS at 8:30AM & 11:00AM

Daily Worship - Sunday, 1/14/2024


Genesis 22-23

Psalm 14



The sermon on Sunday, January 14, will be on John 1:6-8. We continue to press into the opening of the Gospel of John, and we learn much about the nature of this book from these verses.

This passage is about the witness of John the Baptist. John was not the light, but he came to bear witness to the light of Christ. He testified, as verse 8 says, to the light; and the aim of his ministry was so that we might believe.

In a similar way, we are sent as witnesses to the light. Our testimony – the testimony of our faith and lives – ought to help other people believe in Christ.



Take some time to commune with the Lord in prayer. Here's a helpful pattern to follow (ACTS):

  • ADORATION - Praise God for all that he is and all that he had done.
  • CONFESSION - Confess your sins to God and trust in the finish work of Christ. Thank him for his forgiveness.
  • THANKSGIVING - Thank God for all the many blessings and graces he has shown you.
  • SUPPLICATION - Ask your heavenly Father to supply your needs.



1. How did John the Baptist “bear witness to the light”?
2. What was the aim of John the Baptist’s testimony?
3. Consider God’s grace in sending John so that we might believe in Christ. How has God shown you grace in those he sent to testify to you?
4. How should we bear witness to the light? Discuss the ways we can do this and encourage one another in this?



Is He Worthy? - Andrew Peterson