JOIN US for worship SUNDAYS at 8:30AM & 11:00AM

Thomas Slawson 1Thomas is from Slidell, Louisiana and is a southerner at heart. His undergraduate and graduate studies were in music at Mississippi College (MC) in Clinton, Mississippi. During college he began serving in a local church as music and youth director. After graduation he felt called to serve the Lord full-time in ministry. He began studies in theology and missions at Reformed Theological Seminary (RTS) in Jackson, Mississippi. At RTS he met Cristy Atkins and they were married in 2003. After graduating from seminary and welcoming their first child they moved to St. Petersburg, Russia where they served in missions for almost five years. In 2011 they returned to the U.S. and continued to serve with their mission organization in the Portland, Oregon area until 2019.

Thomas grew up in a Christian home where attending church, reading the Bible, and prayer were all priorities. At a young age God convicted him of his need of Christ, and he looked to him in faith. Along the way God has continued to refine him and make him more like Jesus through the ministry of the local church and the love and care of faithful men who have discipled him.

Thomas has served as the Pastor of Worship and First Steps at Faith since 2019. His primary responsibilities include planning and leading weekly corporate worship gatherings and connecting with new guests. He teaches the membership class "Faith Explored" as well as oversees the Tech/AV and Hospitality ministries. In addition, he loves to shepherd the flock, connect with youth and young adults, maintain the church’s app and website, preach, disciple, and serve in a variety of ways.

In his free time Thomas enjoys spending time with his family, outdoor activities, woodworking, and cooking. He loves college football, and is a devoted LSU Tigers fan. If you come to a church potluck you might have the opportunity to try some of his authentic Cajun gumbo or read beans and rice!