JOIN US for worship SUNDAYS at 8:30AM & 11:00AM

johnson2025Mike hails mostly from Central Florida but also spent several of his earliest years in Alaska and Illinois. He studied the Bible and missions with New Tribes Mission (now Ethnos360) and later earned a Master of Divinity at Luther Rice Seminary in Atlanta, GA. Mike met his wife, Maya, while serving in Siberia, where together they worked to plant churches among the Buryat and Altai people groups.Subsequent to their missionary service, and prior to coming to Faith, Mike served as a pastor in Florida and Nebraska. Mike & Maya have four children: two in college and two still at home.

Mike recalls first hearing the gospel clearly explained when he was 16, while attending a Christian summer camp in South Carolina. There the Lord saved him by his amazing grace. Mike is so thankful to the Lord for the discipleship he received from a local church in Florida, where the Lord began to lead him into a life of ministry.

Mike came to Faith in 2023 and serves as the Pastor for Preaching & Vision. He loves preaching the Bible, teaching, counseling, forming and casting vision, and serving together with our wonderful pastors, elders, and staff.

Mike loves all-things family. He also digs reading, writing, and outdoor sports.