27 - How Do We See The Word in Our Gathered Worship? Part 2 - The Lord's Supper
May 3, 2024 Speaker: The Bald & Bearded Pastors Series: Season 1
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- Briefly describe what we do in the Lord’s Supper.
- Is there an Old Testament background to what we’re doing?
- How might we define the Lord’s Supper and why do we observe it?
- Faith Explored Definition: “The Lord’s Supper is a church’s corporate act of remembering and proclaiming Christ’s salvation through his atoning sacrifice by partaking of bread, representing his body, and the cup, representing his blood, and a believer’s act of acknowledging Christ’s benefits and renewing his or her commitment to Christ together in fellowship with other believers, until Christ returns.”
- Why is observing it corporately as a church important?
- Why are the elements important? Should we be using “real wine” at Faith?
- Do the elements change?
- How does the Lord’s Supper “proclaim Christ’s salvation”?
- 1 Corinthians 11:27-29 warns of taking in an “unworthy manner.” What does this mean?
- Who should NOT take the Lord’s Supper?
- Who SHOULD take the Lord’s Supper?
Listener Questions:
- How can we as believers pray for the world and talk to our unbelieving friends and family as international tensions create fear of a possible World War III. What should our perspective be as believers and how can we point others to Christ in the midst of unrest and uncertainty about the future? - Maria
- Reading 1 Peter 3:15. How would you interpret this text? Is every Christian instructed study to Apologetics or is Peter perhaps just discouraging blind faith? - Max