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27 - How Do We See The Word in Our Gathered Worship? Part 2 - The Lord's Supper

May 3, 2024 Speaker: The Bald & Bearded Pastors Series: Season 1

  1. Briefly describe what we do in the Lord’s Supper.
  2. Is there an Old Testament background to what we’re doing?
  3. How might we define the Lord’s Supper and why do we observe it?
    1. Faith Explored Definition: “The Lord’s Supper is a church’s corporate act of remembering and proclaiming Christ’s salvation through his atoning sacrifice by partaking of bread, representing his body, and the cup, representing his blood, and a believer’s act of acknowledging Christ’s benefits and renewing his or her commitment to Christ together in fellowship with other believers, until Christ returns.”
  4. Why is observing it corporately as a church important?
  5. Why are the elements important? Should we be using “real wine” at Faith?
  6. Do the elements change?
  7. How does the Lord’s Supper “proclaim Christ’s salvation”?
  8. 1 Corinthians 11:27-29 warns of taking in an “unworthy manner.” What does this mean?
  9. Who should NOT take the Lord’s Supper?
  10. Who SHOULD take the Lord’s Supper?

Listener Questions:

  • How can we as believers pray for the world and talk to our unbelieving friends and family as international tensions create fear of a possible World War III. What should our perspective be as believers and how can we point others to Christ in the midst of unrest and uncertainty about the future? - Maria
  • Reading 1 Peter 3:15. How would you interpret this text? Is every Christian instructed study to Apologetics or is Peter perhaps just discouraging blind faith? - Max