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26 - How Do We See The Word in Our Gathered Worship? Part 1 - Baptism

April 19, 2024 Speaker: The Bald & Bearded Pastors Series: Season 1

In this week's episode we talk about the ordinances, baptism and the Lord's Supper and how they are visual depictions of the word in our gathered worship. We then dive first into baptism, what it signifies, who should receive it and why mode of baptism is important.

  1. What do we mean by “See the Word”?
  2. What are the ordinances and why do Baptists prefer the term “ordinances” to “sacraments”?
  3. Briefly cover different views.
  4. What is believer’s baptism?
  5. Who should be baptized?
  6. Why do we make such a big deal about the mode of baptism (by immersion)?
  7. Why does Faith require baptism by immersion for membership?
  8. What if I was baptized as a baby or sprinkled as an adult, should I get baptized?
  9. Should I be baptized if I’ve already been a Christian for a long time but have not been baptized?
  10. How can I get baptized at Faith?

Listener Questions:

  • Can you further explain what Jesus did during the time between his death and resurrection? (I Peter 3:19) Did he give those "spirits in prison" which had already rejected God an opportunity for salvation? - Raquel
  • Frequently in Leviticus it has the phrase “cut off from his people”. What did that mean, and was it ever practiced? - Mary
  • Why do you believe the Bible over say the Koran, Torah, or another religion’s holy book? - Max