JOIN US for worship SUNDAYS at 8:30AM & 11:00AM

Daily Worship - Wednesday, 7/3/2024



2 Samuel 21

Proverbs 30



For the month of June 2024, we will be using meditations on Psalm 23:1-2 for our prayer guide each day. 

"He makes me lie down in green pastures."

“He” – Meditate again upon God with whom you have fellowship. Think about how great and powerful he is, yet at the same time he is close and near to you.  

“makes me” – Meditate upon God’s sovereign will in your life. That God “makes” you do things is not the harsh control of a cruel master, but the kind providence of your loving Shepherd. 

“lie down” – Meditate upon the security and rest this statement implies. You can “lie down” without fear of predators or evil because the Lord protects and keeps you. 

“in green pastures” – Meditate upon the rich grace that God supplies in your life. He makes you as one of his sheep lie down in “green” lush pastures of plenty where his goodness grows without end. 

  • Confess your sins. 
  • The Lost 
  • Your Needs 



Throne Room Song - Charity Gayle