JOIN US for worship SUNDAYS at 8:30AM & 11:00AM

Daily Worship - Tuesday, 7/2/2024



Proverbs 29

2 Samuel 19-20



For the month of June 2024, we will be using meditations on Psalm 23:1-2 for our prayer guide each day. 

“I shall not want.” – Meditate on the truth that because it is God himself who is your shepherd, he will supply all your needs. You will lack nothing that he determines is good for your life. 

Lay your needs before God today and ask him to supply according to his good will. Trust that he will do what is best in your life in every circumstance.  


You can also take some time bring these things before the Lord. 

  • Confess your sins. 
  • The Lost 
  • Your Needs 



Goodness of God - CeCe Winans