JOIN US for worship SUNDAYS at 8:30AM & 11:00AM

Daily Worship - Sunday, 12/8/2024



Isaiah 9-10

Proverbs 5:1-6:19


Sunday Sermon

We have begun to read the book of Isaiah together! The book is full of both warning of judgment for apostacy and promises of salvation through God’s mercy, specifically through a redeemer that God would send. It is an amazing book which should bring deep encouragement to us this Advent season.

Consider the sweet promise in the first chapter. Isaiah 1:18 says, “Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.” Meditate on the truth of this verse!

We know, this side of Calvary, how God makes our scarlet sins “white as snow”. It is through the work of Jesus Christ, who died in our place, satisfied the divine penalty for our sin, and imputed to us his own perfect righteousness.

Oh, may the gospel fill your heart with praise and gratitude and hope this Advent season, as we press into the gospel together, both in our readings and every Sunday morning together.



Take some time to commune with the Lord in prayer using part of The Lord's Prayer as a model.

"FOR YOURS IS THE KINGDOM, AND THE POWER, AND THE GLORY FOREVER, AMEN." Acknowledge God's sovereign reign over all things and thank him for his everlasting love and goodness. 


Faith Groups

  • What does Paul mean when he says, we were “children of wrath”?
  • Discuss the “wrath of God”. What is it? How is God’s wrath different from man’s?
  • What happened to the wrath that we deserve?
  • What are some practical implications of being at peace with God through Jesus? How does this shape our interpersonal relationships, for example?
  • How is the Lord encouraging you this Advent season?



My Hope is Built on Nothing Less (The Solid Rock)