JOIN US for worship SUNDAYS at 8:30AM & 11:00AM

Daily Worship - Sunday, 10/27/2024



Psalm 114

Job 22



The sermon for Sunday, October 27, is on John 5:1-17. Be sure to read this amazing account - “The Sabbath Healing at the Pool” - to prepare your heart for the preaching of God’s Word.


  • Take some time to commune with the Lord in prayer. Here's a helpful pattern to follow (ACTS):

    • ADORATION - Praise God for all that he is and all that he had done.
    • CONFESSION - Confess your sins to God and trust in the finish work of Christ. Thank him for his forgiveness.
    • THANKSGIVING - Thank God for all the many blessings and graces he has shown you.
    • SUPPLICATION - Ask your heavenly Father to supply your needs.



  • What is the Sabbath?
  • Why do you think Jesus intentionally healed people on the Sabbath, even though he knew it would bother the religious leaders?
  • Why does Jesus say to the man he healed, sin no more?
  • Did Jesus break the Sabbath?
  • Discuss the religious hypocrisy evident in this account. Why were the leaders so blind to the truth?
  • How can we apply this – how can we keep from being blinded by pride and religious hypocrisy?



In Christ Alone - Keith and Kristyn Getty