JOIN US for worship SUNDAYS at 8:30AM & 11:00AM

Daily Worship - Sunday, 1/5/2025



Isaiah 62:1-63:6

Proverbs 30


Sunday Sermon

The sermon on Sunday, January 5 is on John 6:1-15. Take some time to read this thoughtfully before the service, in order to prepare your heart for the preaching of God’s Word.



Take some time to commune with the Lord in prayer using part of The Lord's Prayer as a model.

"FOR YOURS IS THE KINGDOM, AND THE POWER, AND THE GLORY FOREVER, AMEN." Acknowledge God's sovereign reign over all things and thank him for his everlasting love and goodness. 


Faith Groups

  • In what sense was Jesus testing them with the way he asked where they might buy bread for the crowd?
  • Is it significant to the story that Jesus gave thanks? What should this mean for us?
  • Do you think there is any significance to the amount of food that was left over?
  • Discuss the people’s response to this sign. Was it faith?
  • What are some ways we practically apply the truths we learn from this account?



For God So Loved - We The Kingdom