Daily Worship - Saturday, 8/31/2024
From the Psalms this week we read that it is “the fool, who says in his heart, there is no God.” (Psalm 53:1). Let’s be careful to read this correctly. David is not calling those who deny the existence of God unintelligent. He says they are fools. That is different. A very intelligent and learned and educated person can still be a fool.
Perhaps, David says that someone who denies God is a fool because his claim goes against all sound reason. One look at the stars, or a sunrise, or the Rocky Mountains, or an infant’s tiny hands, and denying God becomes patently foolish. These sorts of wonders don’t happen on their own. God accomplishes them! It is against reason to say there is no God.
Most definitely, the one who denies the existence of God is a fool because he is saying, in essence, that he is not accountable to God. Yet God, “looks down from heaven on the children of man to see if there are any who understand, who seek after him.”
Let’s be wise. The wise seek after God.
For the months of July and August in our Daily Worship we will be praying through our Five Loves during the week and our Mission and Vision statements on the weekend.
To be a vibrant, healthy family of Christ-like believers proclaiming a cross-centered gospel, living cross-centered lives.
By "cross-centered" we mean that we strive to keep the truth of the gospel central in all that we do. It is central to what we proclaim, (our doctrine), and it is central to how we live, (our culture). As believers who have been adopted into God’s family through Jesus Christ, we aspire to be a church that consistently proclaims the gospel that has saved us and consistently lives in a manner that reflects our love for Christ, one another, and our neighbors.
- Pray that God would keep you and our church always rooted and grounded in God’s word.
- Pray that God would help you and our church to live in way that is consistent with what we believe.
- Ask God to make us a “vibrant, healthy family of Christ-like believers” who love one another.
- Pray for God to grow our church spiritually by his word and his Spirit.
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