Daily Worship - Saturday, 7/13/2024
“It pleased the Lord that Solomon had asked this.” – 1 Kings 3:10
Solomon could have asked for anything! God opened the door for him to do that (1 Kings 3:5). It was as if he handed him a blank check. He could have requested a long life, or glory, or military victory, or riches. But Solomon asked for wisdom.
Solomon felt the weight of his calling. And he knew that he could not do it on his own. He needed the Lord and his grace. And so he asked for it. And the Lord gave it to him in abundance (and so much more besides).
The wonderful thing is that God promises to give us wisdom when we ask for it (James 1:5). Are you struggling and weighed down with the weight of big decisions or unknowns in life. Call on God the way that Solomon called on him. Ask him for wisdom.
It pleases the Lord when we turn to him!
For the months of July and August in our Daily Worship we will be praying through our Five Loves during the week and our Mission and Vision statements on the weekend.
To be a vibrant, healthy family of Christ-like believers proclaiming a cross-centered gospel, living cross-centered lives.
By "cross-centered" we mean that we strive to keep the truth of the gospel central in all that we do. It is central to what we proclaim, (our doctrine), and it is central to how we live, (our culture). As believers who have been adopted into God’s family through Jesus Christ, we aspire to be a church that consistently proclaims the gospel that has saved us and consistently lives in a manner that reflects our love for Christ, one another, and our neighbors.
- Pray that God would keep you and our church always rooted and grounded in God’s word.
- Pray that God would help you and our church to live in way that is consistent with what we believe.
- Ask God to make us a “vibrant, healthy family of Christ-like believers” who love one another.
- Pray for God to grow our church spiritually by his word and his Spirit.
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