JOIN US for worship SUNDAYS at 8:30AM & 11:00AM

Daily Worship - Saturday, 12/14/2024



Isaiah 26-27

Proverbs 12


Weekend Reflection

All of us want to be insightful. All of us want to be wise. In fact, I think we spent a lot of lives trying to be those things. No one wants to be a fool.

Sometimes we think it is mere years and experience that make us wise. But then, we also all know people whom no one would describe as wise, who have both lived many years of life and lots of experience. It seems that just growing old does not a wise man make. So, how do we become wise? Thankfully, the Bible tells us!

Proverbs 9:10, says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.”

That means that the literal beginning place on the journey to becoming wise is fearing the Lord. A lifetime of fearing the Lord and learning more and more about the Holy One will produce wisdom. If we want to be wise, we must turn to the Lord with faith, fearing him more than other people, and seeking him more than silver or gold. 


Take some time to commune with the Lord in prayer using part of The Lord's Prayer as a model.

"AND LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION, BUT DELIVER US FROM EVIL." Seek God's guidance in every aspect of your life. Ask him to guard you against the temptations of Satan, the flesh, and the world. 



Joy To The World - For King and Country