JOIN US for worship SUNDAYS at 8:30AM & 11:00AM

Daily Worship - Saturday, 10/5/2024



Psalm 92



“…from everlasting to everlasting you are God.” -Psalm 90:2

The Psalms are so rich with theology. That is, in the Psalms we learn so much about God; what he is like, his attributes, and, of course, what he does! In Psalm 90:2, from our reading this week, we see that God is always God. In every way, for all of eternity, God is God. He never changes.

God never grows or learns. If he did learn, that would mean that at one time there was something God did not know. And if he grew, it would mean that there was a time when God was less than he is now. But God never changes. He is always God, always all knowing, always good.

We call this doctrine: immutability. God never changes.

And that is good news for us. In our changing world, when all around things move and shift, God is our rock and we trust can rely on him completely.



Take some time to commune with the Lord in prayer. Here's a helpful pattern to follow (ACTS):

  • ADORATION - Praise God for all that he is and all that he had done.
  • CONFESSION - Confess your sins to God and trust in the finish work of Christ. Thank him for his forgiveness.
  • THANKSGIVING - Thank God for all the many blessings and graces he has shown you.
  • SUPPLICATION - Ask your heavenly Father to supply your needs.



The Solid Rock