Daily Worship - Friday, 9/13/2024

For the month of September Worship we will be praying through our Five Loves during the week and our Mission and Vision statements on the weekend.
“And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” – Matthew 24:14
It is through the message of the gospel that God, by his Holy Spirit, performs “heart transplant surgery,” making dead sinners alive and bringing them to faith in Jesus Christ. But once we are alive, our reliance upon the gospel doesn’t end. The gospel not only saves us, but it also sustains us. It informs us and transforms us in every area of our lives. Following Jesus also means calling others to follow him. If we have experienced God’s amazing work of salvation in our lives, it should be our desire to see others experience it as well.
- Thank God for the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ and how he has worked salvation in your life.
- Confess to God times where you’ve sought to “do it on your own” and haven’t had a gospel perspective.
- Trust God’s promises of forgiveness through Jesus Christ.
- Pray for the witness of the Gospel through Faith Baptist Fellowship.
- Pray for our missionaries and the gospel ministries we support at Faith. We encourage you to look at the mission’s board in the Worship Center and pick several you would like to focus on in prayer this month.
- Pray for God’s help to be bolder and for open doors to share the gospel with others.
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