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In 2024, we will be reading this plan together. It is a 2-year, through the Bible plan prepared by Stephen Witmer. Following this plan might be a great way to order your Bible reading and keep many of us in the church reading the same passages each day.

We will publish the daily readings here, on the church app, and in the bulletin each week, along with some reflections and thoughts about the sermon each weekend. You can track along on the app or website, where a song is included each day! We look forward to this journey through the Bible together as a church family in 2024-2025.

Daily Worship

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Daily Worship - Saturday, 9/21/2024


READ Ezra 7-8 Psalm 78 WEEKEND REFLECTION We have read the book of Ezra this week, including all six of the times that the author said, "for the hand of the Lord his God was on him (Ezra 7:6d)" Throughout the book, we see God at work, stirring and acting for the good of his people. He even moves the hearts of wicked kings to accomplish his purposes. This book records a...

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Daily Worship - Friday, 9/20/2024


READ Ezra 5-6 Psalm 78 PRAY For the month of SeptemberWorship we will be praying through our Five Loves during the week and our Mission and Vision statements on the weekend. "And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come." Matthew 24:14 It is through the message of the gospel that...

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Daily Worship - Thursday, 9/19/2024


READ Ezra 3-4 Psalm 76 PRAY For the monthof Septemberin our Daily Worship we will be praying through our Five Loves during the week and our Mission and Vision statements on the weekend. "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Matthew 22:39 The gospel reminds us that we were once lost and helpless and God showed us mercy through his Son Jesus Christ. The gospel fre...

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Daily Worship - Wednesday, 9/18/2024


READ Ezra 1-2 Psalm 75 PRAY For the month of Septemberin our Daily Worship we will be praying through our Five Loves during the week and our Mission and Vision statements on the weekend. "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you ...

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Daily Worship - Tuesday, 9/17/2024


READ Psalm 74 PRAY For the month of September in our Daily Worship we will be praying through our Five Loves during the week and our Mission and Vision statements on the weekend. "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." Psalm 119:105 "do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests ...

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Daily Worship - Monday, 9/16/2024


READ Psalm 73 PRAY For the month of September in our Daily Worship we will be praying through our Five Loves during the week and our Mission and Vision statements on the weekend. "you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength." Mark 12:30 The Bible commands us to love God. But loving God s...

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Daily Worship - Sunday, 9/15/2024


READ 2 Chronicles 35-36 Psalm 72 SUNDAY SERMON The sermon for Sunday, September 15 is from John 4:1-15. Read this account of the "Samaritan Woman at the Well" to prepare you heart for the preaching of God's Word. PRAY For the month of Septemberin our Daily Worship we will be praying through our Five Loves during the week and our Mission and Vision statements on the w...

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Daily Worship - Saturday, 9/14/2024


READ 1 Chronicles 33-34 Psalm 71 WEEKEND REFLECTION When we prize something greatly, we want to show it off. You've got to see this! Come and see our new house, or camper, or car. Come and see! It is worth seeing. In Psalm 66:5 we are encouraged to, "Come and see what God has done: he is awesome in his deeds toward the children of man." We are on both sides of that i...

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Daily Worship - Friday, 9/13/2024


READ 2 Chronicles 31-32 Psalm 70 PRAY For the month of SeptemberWorship we will be praying through our Five Loves during the week and our Mission and Vision statements on the weekend. "And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come." Matthew 24:14 It is through the message of the g...

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Daily Worship - Thursday, 9/12/2024


READ 2 Chronicles 29-30 Psalm 69 PRAY For the monthof Septemberin our Daily Worship we will be praying through our Five Loves during the week and our Mission and Vision statements on the weekend. "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Matthew 22:39 The gospel reminds us that we were once lost and helpless and God showed us mercy through his Son Jesus Christ. The ...

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